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lesestoff > parlez-moi d'amour
I comb my hair
light-and-shadowman is there
not in person but in sound
he fills the air
april snow falls to the ground
it gives the world this peaceful flair
and evrybody is is waiting for
the wakening
for spring to take over

and it‘s him who need this change of season urgently        
he‘s wrapped up in loads of coats to protect him
and it‘s him who needs the april sun so urgently         
its intensity
he‘s chasing shadows, haunted by them
I ask the wind to take the coats and feed them to the goats
I ask the sun to tan his skin and nourrish him with vitamins

same place, same day
the sun wipes all the white away
climbs over window, fence and walls
it warms my face
I hear him play the tambourine
he dances like he were fourteen
and evrybody is joining in the wakening
for joy to take over

and its me who needs this change of season urgently       
I get rid of the loads and the heaps that protected me
and I celebrate the april sun spontaneously        
its intensity
I‘m chasing shadows, doors and gates open

I ask the wind to take our coats and feed them to the goats
I call for female forces
I ask the sun to tan our skins and
I call
Sulis, Aurora, Bridget , date him!

I comb my hair
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